
The Building

Our air-conditioned sanctuary is handicap accessible with a ramp.  Access to the fellowship hall in the basement is reached outside through the kitchen or porch entrances.  Handicap accessible restrooms are available in the fellowship hall.  A small restroom is in the nursery.


 We gather for Sunday School at 9:00am to 9:45.  Worship service starts at 10:00am.

The Service

Our worship is more traditional than contemporary, although we use several hymnals to include a wide variety of hymns and choruses.  A bulletin is available every Sunday which outlines the service.


We are known for our great congregational singing, accompanied by piano and organ!  Special music is provided by soloists, small groups, or choirs.  Each Easter and Christmas, a cantata is given during morning worship by the adult choir. The children and junior choirs present Easter and Christmas programs.


Please dress for your comfort level. For some, this is quite casual. For others, suits or dresses are enjoyed.

The Message

Our morning sermon is given by the pastor.  Many versions of the Bible are used by members, and bibles in the NRSV translation are in the book racks under the pews.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
– Matthew, 18:20 RSV

Care & Worship Service for Children

Child Care

Children are an important part of our worship.  A nursery room with restroom adjoins the sanctuary.  Although not staffed during morning worship, it is available to parents with babies or young children when needed.

Children’s Worship (Ages 4 Years to 3rd Grade)

On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, children gather in the fellowship hall for their own time during the later half of morning worship.