Q1: Are you welcoming to all?
A: Yes, all are welcome!
Q2: Is your building handicapped accessible?
A: A ramp leads into the foyer and sanctuary. The fellowship hall in the basement is reached outside at the rear of the church. Sorry, no lift yet!
Q3: Do you offer help for the hearing or sight impaired?
A: We have hearing devices for our sound system and can provide the bulletin and hymns in large print.
Q4: Must I dress up to come to church?
A: No, dress is casual.
Q5: Is a nursery available?
A: A nursery and restroom next to the sanctuary is not staffed during worship, but available for parents with babies and small children.
Q6: What kind of hymns do you sing?
A: We use several hymnals with a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses.
Q7: What Bible version do you encourage?
A: Many versions are used, with the NRSV in the pews.
Q8: What are your core beliefs?
A: We are one of the historic peace churches, and the New Testament is our only creed. Traditions that shape our faith are simplicity, integrity, equality, service, peace, and reconciliation.
Q9: How do I become a member?
A: Contact the pastor or any member of the church.
Q10: What kind of organization do you have?
A: A church board, composed of various team leaders, guides and directs the business of the church.
Q11: How do I get involved?
A: There are many opportunities to be a part of a group or service project. Let us know your interests!