“Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes; and I will keep it to the end.  Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law and observe it with my whole heart.”
– Psalms, 110:33-34 RSV

Library & Ordinances

Church Library

Many types of books are available for your reading, from inspirational, biographies, fiction, Bible study and growth, and a large selection of important books on Brethren History. Many additional titles are available at  www.brethrenpress.org


New members are welcomed into the congregation by a service of baptism.  Our church houses a baptistry in the front of the sanctuary.    Brethren immerse by kneeling in the baptismal pool at the front of the altar area (or in the creek) and “dunking” 3 times forward—in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost.

Love Feast and Communion

Held in the spring (on Maundy Thursday) and fall (often on World Communion Sunday), this gathering is a highlight of our Brethren fellowship.  Love Feast includes a  shared meal around a table, the servant act of washing one another’s feet (or hands), and the sharing of the bread and the cup (consisting  of breaking communion bread and drinking grape juice).  This is a service which invites families (including children) to participate, as we strive to teach our young people about this tradition and encourage their participation in this ordinance.  Twice a year, the Bread and Cup Communion is offered during morning worship.  This is shared by all believers who profess to love and serve the Lord.


This is offered, as explained in James 5:14-16, when anyone requests the need for physical or spiritual healing.  The pastor, usually assisted by a deacon, will make the mark of the cross on the forehead with their finger which was dipped in oil.  This is followed by a prayer for healing.