
Disaster Response

Through Brethren Disaster Ministries, our district-organized group welcomes volunteers to aid those whose lives have been turned upside down because of floods, earthquakes, fires, or other disasters.  Workers go on-site for a period of several weeks at a time, doing actual construction work, cooking for the volunteers, providing child care, or just helping out where ever needed.  Each spring the Snake Spring Valley church holds a spaghetti dinner, with all proceeds helping to fund the district disaster teams.  Call Ron Dilling 814-935-8019 or 814-224-5165 for more information, or visit


A group of volunteers travels monthly to spend time at the facility located in Bellefonte.  CentrePeace was established in 1994 and it’s purpose is to provide a wholesome working environment for Centre county inmates.

Work Camps

The schedule for 2016 Brethren Workcamps for volunteers of all ages at many sites across the country are available.  Several of our youth have participated in Senior High work camps in past years.

“Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
– Matthew, 25:40 NRSV

Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS)

Ten members of our congregation have served one to two years in BVS, a denominational program begun in 1948, sharing God’s love through acts of service in nearly 100 projects here and abroad.  Projects focus on working for peace, caring for creation, advocating justice and serving human needs.  After a 3-week orientation, volunteers are assigned a project according to their interests and talents.

Snake Spring Valley Soup Ministry

The Fellowship Team has organized a group to prepare and freeze various kinds of soups for anyone to take to shut-ins or persons needing a visit…food for the body and the soul!